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Turning Legacy Patient Records into Actionable Data

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A health care system had hundreds of thousands of pages of legacy patient documents that it wanted to turn into useful data to help inform patient care, streamline recordkeeping, and improve regulatory compliance processes. A key goal was flexibility – the ability to request new data from any record at any point in the future without having to manually review each document again.

The company had experimented with several data extraction software providers, but found that they could not provide the level of accuracy and automation that would make the project worthwhile. In addition, these data extraction providers were very limited in the number and type of data points that could be extracted, and new data requests would require an extensive requerying process.

Starting small

After trying several other vendors, the health system turned to Docugami. They started with a Proof of Concept involving a few thousand patient records. Docugami was able to quickly parse and identify a wide range of key data points and other elements across the records, with a solid accuracy level even without human intervention. After a limited amount of tuning, the system was delivering highly accurate results. Importantly, every data point provided by Docugami’s AI included a reference to the specific part of the specific patient record from which it was derived, making it easy to ensure accuracy.

Docugami offers a more flexible solution

In addition to the high degree of accuracy and transparency, the flexibility of the Docugami solution was a huge selling point. Unlike other solutions, Docugami creates a full XML Knowledge Graph of each individual document in its entirety. As a result, if additional fields or data points are required after the initial processing, it is easy to access that information immediately, without the need to conduct an entire new analysis of a large document set.

Savings of 80 percent or more

Based on the success of the initial Proof of Concept project, the team decided to move forward with Docugami. The project lead estimates that using Docugami enabled the project to move forward, and cut the time and cost by 80 percent or more.

Schedule a Demo

Ready to accelerate your pharmaceutical operations with Docugami? Our team is eager to show you how our Document Engineering software can be tailored to your unique challenges and goals.