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Case Study: CLM Data Extraction

Breathing New Life – and Vital Data – into a Struggling CLM Project

Marketing proposal generation

A large professional services company had installed an expensive contract lifecycle management project to help them handle a wide range of administrative tasks. Unfortunately, their CLM solution was struggling to ingest and extract critical information from the firm’s tens of thousands of documents. The team and its vendor spent months working on ways to get the CLM software to handle the firm’s complex documents, but kept running into serious roadblocks. Months went by, costs mounted, and frustration grew.

Seeking a Solution: Turning to Docugami

Finally, the company turned to Docugami. Specifically, the company wanted to know if it was possible to use Docugami to identify and extract all of the valuable data from its long-form documents, and feed that information into the firm’s new CLM system in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

AI-Powered Document Engineering for CLM

Docugami’s unique AI-powered Document Engineering capabilities were able to analyze the firm’s documents, identify all of the key information, and automate the sharing of the document information with the firm’s CLM system. While other attempts to identify and extract the key information had come up short, Docugami’s patented software automatically creates a full XML Knowledge Graph of all the information contained in each document, making it easy for the firm to flag which information is critical across all documents, as well as specific information that needed to be highlighted for certain types of documents or documents related to certain projects or clients.

Ensuring Security and Privacy

Security was a top consideration for the firm, as it needed to ensure that no information or data was shared or visible across individual projects or individual clients. The firm was pleased to learn that Docugami has been built from the ground up with security and privacy at its core.

Achieving a Successful Outcome

Docugami quickly processed the firm’s large volume of complex business documents, and converted them into highly structured XML Knowledge Graphs. Docugami’s highly intuitive design meant that front-line account managers could do spot-checks on a few representative documents to ensure that the correct information was being identified and labeled properly. And Docugami integrates easily with a number of business process systems, making it easy for the firm to connect Docugami’s outputs to the new CLM system.

A Project Back on Track

In a relatively short time, Docugami had solved the firm’s problems and gotten its massive CLM project back on track.

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Ready to see how AI-powered Document Engineering can streamline your operations and deliver superior insights? Our team is eager to show you how our Document Engineering software can be tailored to your unique challenges and goals.